Raised Planters for Rooftop Gardens
Create the ultimate rooftop terrace with WoodBlocX
Quickly and easily build rooftop gardens
All too often a great design has to be amended beyond recognition because of the practicalities of the site. Restricted access, working around the public, keeping dust and noise levels low, tight deadlines – all these logistical problems and more can mean that the original vision is compromised.
However, when you want to add planters or raised beds, benches and more to a problematic area, the solution can be found in a modular timber system such as WoodBlocX.
Modular by design
Modular systems, because they are delivered in pieces rather than unwieldy wholes, can be taken onto site much more easily. All the WoodBlocX components can be easily carried by one man, so even in the tightest of spaces there’s space to squeeze them through.
They are delivered on pallets, and are therefore easily moved around site to get as close to the construction area as possible, saving time as well as bypassing access issues. This is also helpful when construction has to take place around the public – the components do not take up much space, so disruption can be minimised.
These efficiencies were demonstrated when WoodBlocX was used to create a number of planters and benches on walkways and even up a large flight of steps at the Westfield Shopping Centre in Stratford, London.
Modular systems built from small components are also light. The BlocX can be easily carried up steps, so where there is no chance of using a crane, the materials can still be transported to site. This means that it is also possible to build quite large planters on rooftops, and incorporate a rooftop garden to bring some life to a dull area. For example, WoodBlocX have been used at two Unite student accommodation sites to bring green areas to rooftops and higher levels.
Save time & money
WoodBlocX are easy to get onto the site, but they are also easy to work with once the components are there. All the individual pieces are pre-fabricated to exactly the right size, and pre-drilled and mitred as well.
Therefore there are no power tools needed to build up the BlocX themselves – no drilling, cutting or sawing is necessary. The BlocX are quick and easy to put together, and there is very little noise created in the process, keeping the construction well within noise limits and the no-cutting on site rule.
Furthermore, the pre-cut modular system also means there is no dust and virtually no waste to dispose of from the site (and what waste does accrue is easily carried off site), saving time and money again.
Our rooftop projects
View more WoodBlocX Case Studies